Summer 2024 Adult Sunday School


Please join us for our Summer Sunday School class beginning June 23 at 10:00 a.m. in the adult Sunday School classroom.  This Summer, once again, we will be utilizing a video study from Ligonier Ministries entitled: The Fear of the Lord by Dr. Michael Reeves.  Dr. Reeves is president and professor of theology at Union School of Theology in the United Kingdom.  He is a minister, author of many great books, and speaks and teaches across the world.  Here is a description of this teaching series from Ligonier Ministries' website: "It’s not surprising that the Bible’s most common command is “Do not be afraid.” After all, fear surrounds us in this anxious world. Yet the remedy that Scripture provides for our fears is one we would never expect: the fear of the Lord. In this teaching series, Dr. Michael Reeves shows how the gospel repels our misplaced frets while drawing us near to God in holy fear. Here is the source of true wisdom and a taste of heavenly joy. As we understand the wonders of God’s grace toward us in Christ, we cannot help but tremble before Him in adoration and delight."

We hope you'll join us for this vitally important and very helpful study and discussion.  In our culture of rampant fear and anxiety, this study by God's grace, can be a great help in equipping us, anchoring us, and comforting us as Christians seeking to live faithfully in our culture.