Adult Christian Education Classes
Our adult Sunday School class meets each week in our Education Building in room #102 for Bible study, discussion, fellowship, and coffee and refreshments. We alternate between studies through books of the Bible and biblical themes and topics. Study guides or books usually accompany our study to aid us in digging deeper and discussion. In recent days we have studied: Judges, "Love Walked Among Us" by Paul Miller, I Peter, The Holiness of God by R.C. Sproul (DVD series), Prayer (using Eric Alexander's book, "Prayer: A Biblical Perspective"), Exodus, Basics of the Christian Faith (utilizing the Apostles' Creed), A Time for Confidence by Stephen Nichols (DVD series), and 2 Timothy.
We will begin our next study on January 28, entitled: "Following Jesus". We will discuss what discipleship looks like in our day and time as we consider topics such as Jesus's call to take up His cross and follow Him, obedience, service, humility, counting the cost of following Jesus, persecutions, the blessings of following Jesus, imitation of Christ, and the Lordship of Jesus and its implications for us.
Children's Christian Education Classes
Children's Sunday School will resume on February 4. The class meets each Sunday from 10:00-10:45 in room #107 of our Education Building. The class is led by two volunteer teachers. The teachers seek to foster an environment of welcome, love, encouragement, learning, and fun among the children while teaching from a section of the Bible, praying for and with them, and leading in discussion, Bible memory, crafts, etc. Each of our volunteers teachers has had a background check for the safety of our children and assurance of our parents. The children are currently studying about "Worship" and learning what that is biblically.