Kids SS #3



Children's Sunday School

Children's Sunday School will resume on January 29.  The class meets each Sunday from 10:00-10:45 in room #107 of our Education Building.  The class is led by two volunteer teachers.  The teachers seek to foster an environment of welcome, love, encouragement, learning, and fun among the children while teaching from a section of the Bible, praying for and with them, and leading in discussion, Bible memory, crafts, etc.  Each of our volunteers teachers has had a background check for the safety of our children and assurance of our parents.

 Kids SS #4

Childcare Area

During the worship service on Sunday mornings, there is designated area in the foyer of the sanctuary for parents to take their children if needed.  This area is equipped with a gated play area, diaper changing station, and chairs for parents to sit and oversee their children while still listening to the service and sermon.

Nursery #2

Nursery #1