A Change in Wanting

Wanting to Sin - Dr. Adrian Rogers

Adrian Rogers was quite the preacher! And the turn of phrases he uses here make the point well: When God grabs hold of our lives in the gospel, we are not only saved but changed! The Holy Spirit gives to us a new heart and with it new desires.
It was Augustine, centuries earlier, who said "“Love God, and do whatever you please.” The full quote, of which that is a part, goes like this: “Love God and do whatever you please: for the soul trained in love to God will do nothing to offend the One who is Beloved.”
Augustine and Adrian Rogers are simply giving us Bible doctrine: see Romans 6.

Adrian Rogers: "I sin all I want to. I don't want to." :)

Lord sanctify and renew our "wanter" so that we want to do Your will and live to do so!

         - Pastor Adam